$10 Suggested Donation @ Door without RSVP!
(ALL attendees receive straw poll card, raffle & pizza starting at 7pm)
#SOTU15 preview and live-stream information:
(watch online for infographics, photos and more)
1/21: White House Online Open House!
Feedback Form:
2014 Progress Highlights:
Special Guest:
U.S. Shadow Representative
Partners include:
(including DC Career Progress, DC Comm Tech For Progress and more)
America’s Impact
Host Committee:
Jim McBride, Emile Aries, Lauren Babb, Charles Balogh, Crystal Brooks, Kelsi Browning, Daniel Buk, Molly Checksfield, David Do, Margot Friedman, Randy Goldstein, Lauren Jencik, Alex Lawson, Britton Loftin, Svetlana Matt, Jeff Pudlo, Brian Rauer, Nate Reul, Kyle Simon, Alvil Singh, Herb Smith, Luke Squire and more!
6:30pm-10:30pm Tuesday, January 20th
(Program & Presidential Address starting @ 8:30pm)
(upstairs bar and heated deck)
1602 U Street NW, Washington, DC 20009
@ U Street Metro
Pizza & Drink Tickets for Early Birds + Raffle Gift +
$5 Drink & Appetizer Specials ALL NIGHT courtesy of Local 16!
Raffle Sponsors also include:
The Madhatter bar & grill
NAKID Social Sports
Please join Network For Progress, a social and media-savvy community for those inspired by the "Yes We Can" Movement, and several great partners for our 6th Annual State of the Union Watch Party where Progressives, Democrats and “Hope Mongers” can watch and celebrate the President’s Address to Congress at 9pm while mingling for friends, careers and PROGRESS starting at 6:30pm! In exchange for straw poll, raffle tickets and feedback activities etc. small donations are requested to fund N4P expenses.
As many of you know, 2014 was a great year for America (http://www.whitehouse.gov/2014-in-review) but a terrible year for Democrats so this year's theme is...UNITE FOR PROGRESS! As we saw during the 2008 Obama campaign and recently witnessed in Paris, “unity” is not just an hopeful ideal but a STRATEGY for positive action that we need more than ever to move America forward.
Featured activities include….
2016 Candidate Showcase & Straw Poll:
First off, we want to offer a platform for attendees to meet representatives of groups supporting 2016 candidates and hear their pitch before voting in a 2016 Straw Poll that will reveal who DC-area politicos would like to see run for President. Feel free to share who you are supporting and why they’re the best candidate to unify the movement with #sotuunitydc
2016 Action Showcase & Petition Station (with Twitter Bomb):
We also want to offer a platform for attendees to have their voice heard and connect with causes they care about so we will highlight various local and national causes with an issue petition and information station. Before the speech we will also stage a “DC Voting Rights” twitter bomb for @whitehouse @mcconellpress @speakerboehner with the help of our friends at Phone 2 Action. You can sign a petition now on the White House web site.
What else should the President need say to America during his State of the Union Address?
Here is a #MySOTU Wish List and feel free to share yours with @whitehouse @mcconellpress @speakerboehner and Members of Congress!
Open “Dem Autopsy” Interviews & Submissions:
But most importantly, we also will ask everyone to join together to become “Ready For Unity” by getting engaged in the future of our Movement so we can help build on the President's growing legacy and message so we can build critical momentum when the nation decides which party should have the majority again in 2016 and beyond.
As you might have seen, the DNC has created a Democratic Victory Task Force that is preparing a preliminary report for their February Meeting and sent out surveys to ask for your input on how to succeed again so please have your voice heard:
At the event, N4P will also ask you to do the same thing via video interviews during the event where you can share your Open “Dem Autopsy” feedback with the world! You can also share your ideas for @thedemocrats via your eventbrite registration, the hashtag #mydemautopsy and our DNC Suggestion Box at the event. We will post them later with your permission.
Want to be a Co-Host or Sponsor? Questions/Comments?
Contact us at [email protected]
Please invite friends and colleagues!