N4P puts the COMMUNITY in Community Organizing and the PARTY back into the Democratic Party!
Network For Progress is a crowd-sourced Grassroots “Super Pack” representing America’s Mainstream Majority that employs a “Forward Progressive” Mandate-focused & Network-based Organizing Model to serve as a 21st Century media-savvy Advocate, social-savvyCommunity and movement-building Resource for forward-minded political and civic Action to better our life, neighborhood and country in 2013 and beyond.
“Yes YOU Can….Network for Hope. Network for Change. Network for PROGRESS.”
Launched by alumni of OFA’s Generation Obama-Washington, DC chapter on February 10, 2011, the fourth anniversary of President Obama’s “Yes We Can” campaign for Hope and Change, Network For Progress is a VA/DC/MD-based movement-building organization that utilizes “word of mouth” media messaging and social networking to support a “New Kind of Politics & Citizenship.”
N4P is focused on combating the institutional strength of the Conservative Movement (aka “Tea Party” & Fox News) and combating the “enthusiasm gap” by relationship-building with current supporters, engaging potential supporters and developing evangelists via an offline “ground game” and online “air war” to continue our PROGRESS in 2014 and the years to come.
In other words: Recruitment -> Retention -> Training -> Action
Network For Progress is a crowd-sourced Grassroots “Super Pack” representing America’s Mainstream Majority that employs a “Forward Progressive” Mandate-focused & Network-based Organizing Model to serve as a 21st Century media-savvy Advocate, social-savvyCommunity and movement-building Resource for forward-minded political and civic Action to better our life, neighborhood and country in 2013 and beyond.
“Yes YOU Can….Network for Hope. Network for Change. Network for PROGRESS.”
Launched by alumni of OFA’s Generation Obama-Washington, DC chapter on February 10, 2011, the fourth anniversary of President Obama’s “Yes We Can” campaign for Hope and Change, Network For Progress is a VA/DC/MD-based movement-building organization that utilizes “word of mouth” media messaging and social networking to support a “New Kind of Politics & Citizenship.”
N4P is focused on combating the institutional strength of the Conservative Movement (aka “Tea Party” & Fox News) and combating the “enthusiasm gap” by relationship-building with current supporters, engaging potential supporters and developing evangelists via an offline “ground game” and online “air war” to continue our PROGRESS in 2014 and the years to come.
In other words: Recruitment -> Retention -> Training -> Action