There is no excuse for this behavior...especially because it is even more premeditated and indiscriminate than the original act.
And lets set the record straight. In his 1966 interview with Chris Wallace where he uttered those words, MLK was making an observation NOT an endorsement.
It isn’t a legitimate activism tactic to destroy your own neighborhood and to suggest Dr. King condoned it is a misguided approach that discredits the legacy of Peace and Love that earned him that Monument on the National Mall.
In the below interview this is what he really was saying:
"Violence is impractical and immoral."
"I would hope that we can avoid riots because riots are self-defeating and self-destructive."
Let’s remember that and echo THOSE words when these tragedies happen….just like the family of Freddie Gray and many other residents of Baltimore are doing tonight in interviews on CNN and MSNBC.
CNN's Van Jones said it well: "Black Jobs Matter. Black Businesses Matter. Black Neighborhoods Matter."
He could have added "COPS Lives Matter" in reference to African-Amercian and other races of police officers also under attack.
Let’s follow the lead of these voices because they represent the people who will live the consequences of these acts....let's not attempt to bury the lede and minimize them.
One of the greatest tools an activist has is finding common ground....its a well-documented fact.
So, let's take a break from our talking points and the "yeah, buts" and find common ground that violence is NEVER the answer or in our quest for "Justice For All" we will achieve "Justice For No One."
- Jim McBride, Network For Progress