hosted by Women's Information Network
Where: WIN Office, 1825 K St. NW, Suite 400 (map)
Description: Join WIN and the Women's Media Center for an opportunity to find out the inside scoop about jobs at women's issue organizations.
This panel will explore different career paths at some of the most prominent feminist organizations: what is the daily work like, what kind of skills do the people holding these jobs have, and what aspects of their work do they enjoy (or not enjoy). If you’ve been interested in working at a women’s organization, this is a chance to ask questions and find out if this is the right path for you.
Who: Rachel Larris, Women's Media Center, Megan Donovan, Federal Policy Counsel, Center for Reproductive Rights, Alison McQuade, Digital Press Secretary, EMILY’s List, Katherine Gallagher Robbins, Senior Policy Analyst, Family Economic Security, National Women's Law Center, Emily Jakobsen, Field Operations Manager, Planned Parenthood Federation of America
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